Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Almond Bark Cookies

This is one of my favorite cookies to make at Christmas time. I don’t know why we only make them then, but we just do. It’s a no bake cookie, making it easy and fast to make. AND it makes a lot, like 8 dozen or so per batch!

Almond Bark Cookies



2# almond bark coating

1 cup chunky peanut butter

2 cups dry roasted peanuts

2 cups mini marshmallows

3 cups crispy rice cereal

Melt the almond bark coating P5260107 on a low setting in a large pan. When it’s melted, add the peanut butter and stir until blended.P5260108

Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well.P5260110 Drop by tablespoons (I used a small cookie scoop) onto waxed paper. P5260112 

Cool. (the cookies—but yes, I guess it’s cool that they are done SO quick and are SO good.)  These make great gifts for all the people in your life that make things so much better, i.e., the trash guys, the mail lady, the dry cleaner guy who delivers to us! 

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